Spring is upon us gradually, and while I wait for my roses in the garden to turn from buds to blooms;
and while I'm squishing aphids and spraying them with a natural extract from the Pyrethrum Daisy;
and hoping they haven't done too much damage to the flowers;
my heart is earnestly embracing the longer days,
maybe afternoon tea in the courtyard with scones and jam and cream;

maybe lazing on the bench with a few decorating mags;

or simply watch some drama in the heavens at dusk.
No kidding, these photos below except for the first one were taken all in one evening!

on one side there was the rainbow,

and on the other; this dramatic change in the sky taking place! There wasn't a fire either, just the sun setting in the west!
From this...............

to this..............

to this................

to this................. all happening in our backyard!

These photos don't do the real thing justice.
Sure it's not this dramatic everyday,
still I feel privileged to have witnessed that.
I love Spring for the new beginning and new life it implies,
for the new promises it brings.
Though Autumn is my all-time favourite season,
Spring is perhaps the season you can dream a bit,
plan a bit, and Spring clean a bit.................
New beginnings are exciting!
Many of you who are living in the Northern Hemisphere have mentioned to me that it's hard to believe our opposite seasons,
yes, it is amazing, these Southern and Northern Hemispheric differences.
Happy Spring and Happy Fall, my dear friends!
Seasons come, seasons go.
Enjoy your season!