Windows and mirrors can give you surprises sometimes.
To see something face to face and in real life is something,
but to see something reflected onto a piece of glass then onto a mirror on the opposite side of the glass is truly something else.
Here is the mirror..........

Now let's zoom it in a bit...............

A bit more...........

And a bit more..............

Here are the glass doors on the hutch of the kitchen dresser.......

I was pleasantly surprised by this sight one day when I noticed it.
But hang on, that mirror is not facing the garden at all,
how did it get the view?
The answer is this view below is facing the glass doors on the hutch of the kitchen dresser,
so the mirror is reflecting off what is on the glass doors and Bingo!-

Garden in the mirror!
I love noticing small details like this.

I've also been honoured with this award by Jan at
Jan and Tom's Place, thanks heaps, Jan. I've actually got it for around two weeks now, but haven't had the opportunity to attend to it. The rules are I need to list 5 things I value and 5 things I don't.
Here are the 5 things I value:
(1) My relationship with God/The privilege of being a child of God
(2) My relationship with hubby and children and family
(3) My relationship with my church family and friends
(4) Forgiveness and righteousness through the blood of Jesus
(5) To be appreciated
The 5 things that I don't value:
(1) Any mockery of God and Jesus
(2) Slandering
(3) Unruly behaviour - e.g. people carrying on after drinking alcohol and taking drugs
(4) Complaining
(5) Jeolousy and hatred

Now I'd like to pass this award on to Mama Bear from
Love Bears All Things.
Hope you are all going to have a wonderful week.
Till next time!
Rosy..thank you so much for your encouraging comments on my page..I only found them today.. I will add to it soon..I am trying to organise my way into blogging..I get so caught up looking at all the wonderful blogs that I leave little time for my own :) Cheers, Marilyn (Lavender Cottage).
Congratulations Rosy!!!
Oh, I do LOVE the reflections we find in our mirrors and yours are gorgeous.
Your mirrors are so lovely, the tiny tea set, the garden in your mirrors,what a lovely out look to have in life.
Thank you Rosy for the award. I would love to see more of your lovely home. I think that section of garden in the reflection is so inviting.
Mama Bear
Hello Rosy!
Your posts as always are inspiring and beautiful! Your roses are breath taking and in full bloom!
Have a wonderful week!
Congrats on the award, Rosy. You deserve it! :)
Interesting post on the mirrors and reflection. I enjoyed it!!
Thanks for visiting - I enjoyed all the comments you have left lately. It's been a bit hectic at my end. A good friend at church had a medical emergency, so I've been helping in that...
What a wonderful post, reflective as it were, and what a wonderful surprise to find that view in the mirror.
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