I've been hit by the worst bloggie's nightmare- my camera went dead on me on Wednesday last week. (Now I can understand how Kate from Our Red House felt when her camera was lost in the ocean) I found out when I was trying to transfer some pictures onto the computer and it wouldn't do it, the LCD screen wouldn't show any pictures while the camera turns on and still takes photos. The first thing I did was to look for the receipt and warranty. The warranty had expired. I rang the store where hubby got it from ( it was a Christmas presy in 2005) mainly to see if it was worth getting it fixed, as many gadgets like that are not made to last these days and often it's cheaper just to get a new one rather than attempting to get it fixed.
To cut the long story short, the prognosis by the very helpful technician was that it might have either short-circuited (in which case not worth fixing at all) or something might've got disconnected on the inside of the camera. They couldn't tell unless they open it up to have a look, but that'll cost just a wee-bit less than buying a new camera, so I might as well buy a new one, newer and better model, higher mega pixels etc as prices of digital cameras have reduced significantly in the last two years.
So there, now I'm in the middle of waiting to get a new camera, hubby teased that I might get one for Christmas. I expectedly protested, "No, no, that'll be too long to wait!" "Can I have my Christmas presy early?........... Just for once?............"
Anyway, here are some photos I took prior to the "breakdown", they come in handy now.

The rose bushes are laden with flowers at the moment, yet I can't take pictures of them. (Sigh) I've been continuing with the "renovation" in the back garden, have been labouring hard doing brick-paving. I had to pull out the old and put in the new and weed in between. I've got more respect for people who do jobs that need physical labour now. The first day I did it, I literally staggered and thought I was going to black out (How unfit!) when I stood up after two hours of kneeling and bending over and my fingers were sore from handling the bricks. The next day I was sore everywhere, especially in my thighs, shoulders, arms and fingers. I thought gardening was hard work, but brick-paving, that's HARD work! Anyway, I quite like the result, very pleasing indeed, it looks much better than the way it was. I've still got a bit to go, but I'm much fitter now. Couldn't take photos of the process! (Sigh again) Patience, patience, I tell myself............