Hi, dear bloggers and friends, it's getting cold here, but thankfully I'm sitting in the heated comfort of our home. I'm imagining what wonderful summer all my friends in the Northern Hemisphere must be enjoying, it's only the beginning of winter, I'm thinking of summer already!
Federica at
Sweet as a Candy has awarded me with this lovely award, thanks Federica. If you have not been to Federica's blog, you'll have to go and check it out. It's so chock full of inspiration better than reading magazines; she sends her readers to all sorts of beautiful places with loads of inspiration for home decor, fashion and living. I especially love the home decor section and think the styles she's chosen are simply breathtaking and dreamy. Please click on the link and go and have a look, you'll love it.

I'm making a start with some changes in our living/dining area. I have been painting the hutch and buffet white and our lounge room is going to be changed into a study and music room, so some things from the lounge room have been moved out to the living room. I am looking at a wall paint colour, maybe somewhere along the light grey lines to replace the pink. Decorating and moving things around is fun. Remember the birdcage? It was dark brown and now it's been painted white. I love how it looks now.

Now I'll leave you with these small bouquets of roses and daisies, have a lovely day, won't you?

Roses used here : Perfumed Perfection (Mauve, Floribunda), Seduction (Cream and pink, Floribunda) and white daisies. The white roses in the large urn are artificial silk flowers.