I read
this blog post on dyeing eggs using fruits and vegetables and natural foods and so I thought I would experiment to see where they would lead.
In Australia most eggs are brown, so in order to strip the eggs off of the brown pigmentation, you simply boil the eggs in white vinegar till the brown comes off, or if it doesn't, you will see that it becomes a slippery film and you can just rub with your fingers under cold running water, it rubs off easily to reveal white shells.
I hard-boiled my eggs in water before I did the brown-pigmentation-stripping because that way you don't risk the eggs breaking.
I have to say I had so much fun experimenting. Some of the eggs turned out a bit speckled because I didn't leave them in the fridge overnight, I only left them in for a few hours; but that's part of the experiement, and I like the speckled/uneven look as well.
I set them up with some egg cups with tealight candles and egg shells, and a genuine abandoned bird's nest with sugar-shelled choc eggs in a glass cloche pedestal set, all so very eggy themed!
More pictures........
How about some pictures with roses?
And this was supposed to be a post on Easter Eggs Natural Dyes Experiment! I do love playing with roses, don't I?
That's all for now. Till next time. Have an awesome Easter, dear friends.